
Scribble: Sometimes, I hope gender ambiguity can flow with vivid description.

      Birdsong fluttered through the cool morning air, as a pair of sleepy eyes gazed out over the waters, growing lost in the limbs of trees and rustling leaves. A playful breeze tickled bare arms and legs, running its unseen fingers through long, auburn locks, lulling about the shore and its slowly-waking nymph. A yawn teased the still-waking soul, tugging at her smiling lips, as she crossed her slender arms tightly over her chest for warmth.
      "Lovely," a whisper tickled at her ears, as another pair of arms wrapped tightly around the skin of her waist. Leaning back into a soft, familiar chest, the nymph sleepily nuzzled into such gentle warmth, finally letting slip the unrelenting yawn. With a renewed smile, she slid her arms over her lover's own, quietly purring at the touch.
      "It is," she cooed, pressing her head ever so slightly into the warmth behind her. "I never thought a morning could be so beautiful."
      A giggle tickled her ears, as a gentle pair of lips tickled her cheek. "I meant you," came the soft whisper, as her smile grew all the brighter. Gently purring, she carefully turned within the sweet embrace, as her slender arms slid around the warm, inviting waist.
      "I know," she whispered, as a giggle slipped into the air, followed by the gentle sound of touching lips, soon lost in the flutter of birdsong...

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