
Scribble: I've been sick, and someone's been sweet.

      With a heartfelt sigh, she excitedly danced upon the hardwood floors, her stiff, bare toes still aching from their temporary disuse. A radiant smile beaming upon her tired, gentle face, she held the worn and weathered box to her heart, twirling and stepping on air in excitement. The faint ghost of a cough tickled her swollen throat, but the dancer still smiled, unkempt hair flowing freely with each graceful movement.
      I'm the luckiest girl in the world, she thought, looking down at the familiar curls and lines written as a name. Thank you, she whispered in her heart, another sigh slipping past her lips, as thoughts of a warm bed and a familiar pair of arms teased her into another twirl. Closing her eyes, the dancer could only see the bright blue eyes so familiar to her heart, as her cheek instinctively nuzzled rough cardboard flaps, feeling only the softest of skin.
      The sound of a gentle ring tugged at her ear, as the lithe dancer glided, without so much as a stumble, over to the flashing, chirping phone. Still holding the box to her heart, she let slip a giggle, a loose sleeve sliding down her arm.
      "Feeling any better, love?" cooed a gentle voice, tickling her ear with sweetness.
      "I am now," came the raspy whisper, followed by another trickle of laughter. "Thank you..."

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