
Dusting off the keys.

Hello all. I'm not sure how many people read this, but I suspect some do.

I've been absent these several months, sorting things out in my own life, and taking a break from writing in the process. I've put aside the blog for far too long, however, and wish to remedy that in that near future.

However, as many of you have seen, most of my pieces are short-form scribbles, lacking any real beginning, middle, or end, just scenes that exist unto themselves. Not that there's anything wrong with that; flash fiction is something I enjoy, and would agree with some that it has adapted creative expression and aesthetic appreciation to our faster-moving times. Short stories are always wonderful exercises in life, and the moment, independent of all the baggage we may hold, deserves celebration.

However, for the longest time, maybe a few years, I've had much bigger stories to tell floating around in me, waiting for the time to come out. I feel that this may be as good of a time as any to seriously consider that possibility, to start outlining and drafting, to commit myself and my time to telling them. It may take years still to write them, to finish them insofar as anything written can ever truly be finished, but it is a commitment I hope to make. Some of the very stories posted here will become part of them, some of the stories I treasure the most.

I also hope to edit a few pieces I've written in the past two years, in hopes that maybe, just maybe, I can finally submit them for publication elsewhere. I've had links to certain magazines, online and in print, open on my browser for almost a year now; maybe now that I'm feeling better about myself and where I am in my life outside of writing, I can follow-through at long last.

So there may be still gaps of considerable time between posts, and I may use this as a sounding board for some of my other projects, or possibly as a way to explain my method or highlight the works of others. Furthermore, I'm considering using a much more personal pseudonym for my future works in print; that, however, I won't bother revealing until I actually succeed.

Thank you all for your patience and commitment. I can only hope to do my best as a writer from this point onward.

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