
Scribble: Distracted in Class


...revisiting old ideas...

Scribble: Scribbled in a notebook while sitting beneath a tree.

      "What'cha reading?" chirped a sweetly curious voice from above.
      The reader, slightly distracted by her task, took a moment before flancing up at the girl in the branches. With a little laugh, she smiled at the eavesdropper, gingerly closing the dusty old tome.
      "Just something I found hidden away someplace," she replied, as her companion leaned over, carefully balanced atop her perch. "An old collection of stories, fables, and such. How about you? What're you doing out here?"
      "Oh, not much," chirped the eavesdropper with a smile, just before dropping gracefully beside the giggling reader. "Just, y'know . . . finding something that's hidden away someplace."
      Without another word, the reader simply blushed, as her companion nuzzled into her shoulder. Closing her eyes, she could hear a gentle sigh, lost in the sound of rustling leaves...


Scribble: Sometimes, I hope gender ambiguity can flow with vivid description.

      Birdsong fluttered through the cool morning air, as a pair of sleepy eyes gazed out over the waters, growing lost in the limbs of trees and rustling leaves. A playful breeze tickled bare arms and legs, running its unseen fingers through long, auburn locks, lulling about the shore and its slowly-waking nymph. A yawn teased the still-waking soul, tugging at her smiling lips, as she crossed her slender arms tightly over her chest for warmth.
      "Lovely," a whisper tickled at her ears, as another pair of arms wrapped tightly around the skin of her waist. Leaning back into a soft, familiar chest, the nymph sleepily nuzzled into such gentle warmth, finally letting slip the unrelenting yawn. With a renewed smile, she slid her arms over her lover's own, quietly purring at the touch.
      "It is," she cooed, pressing her head ever so slightly into the warmth behind her. "I never thought a morning could be so beautiful."
      A giggle tickled her ears, as a gentle pair of lips tickled her cheek. "I meant you," came the soft whisper, as her smile grew all the brighter. Gently purring, she carefully turned within the sweet embrace, as her slender arms slid around the warm, inviting waist.
      "I know," she whispered, as a giggle slipped into the air, followed by the gentle sound of touching lips, soon lost in the flutter of birdsong...


Scribble: I really should be sleeping right now...

      The valley had been still that night, as only the gentle rustling of the woody hills above hinted at a breeze. Traces of clouds drifted at the edge of the sky, as stars emerged, little by little, from the ever-darkening aether. Far above the slumbering valley, the twin moons rose above the horizon, mismatched spheres vying for control of the night.
      Moonlight glinting off its slender frame, the stargazer perched between the trees of the hills, nothing more than a sapling hidden among giants. With a hand lightly resting upon a nearby trunk, the silent watcher scanned the night sky, its eyes clicking and whirring with each shift in focus. As a gentle breeze slipped through pliant, verdant limbs, a mechanical sigh slipped into its wake, followed by the sound of footsteps.
      "What brings you up here, Lon?" came a soft, tender voice, with all the warmth of familiar fingertips. Stepping quietly into the moonlight, the young girl casually brushed a stray silver lock from her face, her eyes never leaving the slender figure before her. "Everyone else is already asleep or on standby for the night..."
      "My apologies, Lana," chirped a pleasant, tinny voice, as the stargazer's curious eyes turned toward the newcomer. Helping her into the narrow space beside it, the mechanical watcher placed a steadying hand upon the girl's back, as she climbed into one of the higher branches.
      "I simply wanted to observe something I hadn't before," it continued, returning its gaze to the endless sea of stars above. "Archivists only have the opportunity to store data; rarely do we ever get to collect it ourselves."
      With a smile, the young girl nodded at the slender stargazer beside her, letting one leg dangle playfully from her new-found perch. "I suppose it's something else to see stars and moons for yourself, having only known pure data all your life," she softly said, as another breeze tousled her long locks.
      The quiet sound of a synthetic sigh pulled her eyes back to her companion, its own gaze unbroken.
      "That is true, Lana," came the wistful reply, "yet, what I observe, if my understanding is correct . . . is beauty."
      Silence slipped into the air between them, as an uncertain smile wavered, just before beaming with the brightness of the stars themselves. "Yes," Lana whispered, her eyes drifting back to the endless sea above, "it is."
      Without another word, the young girl nestled into her perch, as the twin moons continued to rise into the sky, filling the valley with gentle, silver light.


Scribble: I've been sick, and someone's been sweet.

      With a heartfelt sigh, she excitedly danced upon the hardwood floors, her stiff, bare toes still aching from their temporary disuse. A radiant smile beaming upon her tired, gentle face, she held the worn and weathered box to her heart, twirling and stepping on air in excitement. The faint ghost of a cough tickled her swollen throat, but the dancer still smiled, unkempt hair flowing freely with each graceful movement.
      I'm the luckiest girl in the world, she thought, looking down at the familiar curls and lines written as a name. Thank you, she whispered in her heart, another sigh slipping past her lips, as thoughts of a warm bed and a familiar pair of arms teased her into another twirl. Closing her eyes, the dancer could only see the bright blue eyes so familiar to her heart, as her cheek instinctively nuzzled rough cardboard flaps, feeling only the softest of skin.
      The sound of a gentle ring tugged at her ear, as the lithe dancer glided, without so much as a stumble, over to the flashing, chirping phone. Still holding the box to her heart, she let slip a giggle, a loose sleeve sliding down her arm.
      "Feeling any better, love?" cooed a gentle voice, tickling her ear with sweetness.
      "I am now," came the raspy whisper, followed by another trickle of laughter. "Thank you..."