
Scribble: I haven't been writing much lately.

      With a sigh, she slipped further into the cool, relaxing waters, as far overhead, the silhouette of some feathered traveler glided slowly into view. In but a matter of hours, fireflies would be beginning their evening duties of mirroring the stars, only to be swept-up in the frenzied dance of summer. For now, the lingering warm breeze reminded the nymph that the sun was still out, just barely hiding behind the verdant giants across the waters.
      With a smile, she closed the deep azure pools of her eyes, a faint giggle slipping past her lips and into the warm, calming air. Soon, she'd have to find her clothes and her way back to the tent. But for now, she thought, opening her eyes to gaze out at the water, this is just fine...

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