
Scribble: Scribbled in a notebook while sitting beneath a tree.

      "What'cha reading?" chirped a sweetly curious voice from above.
      The reader, slightly distracted by her task, took a moment before flancing up at the girl in the branches. With a little laugh, she smiled at the eavesdropper, gingerly closing the dusty old tome.
      "Just something I found hidden away someplace," she replied, as her companion leaned over, carefully balanced atop her perch. "An old collection of stories, fables, and such. How about you? What're you doing out here?"
      "Oh, not much," chirped the eavesdropper with a smile, just before dropping gracefully beside the giggling reader. "Just, y'know . . . finding something that's hidden away someplace."
      Without another word, the reader simply blushed, as her companion nuzzled into her shoulder. Closing her eyes, she could hear a gentle sigh, lost in the sound of rustling leaves...

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